Hi. I’m Tess, a shame-free fitness coach & speaker.
I also make art that celebrates bodies.
This is a space for bodies. Queer bodies. Fat bodies. Skinny bodies. BIPOC bodies. Old bodies. Strong bodies. Hurting bodies. Athletic bodies. Bodies that have seen some shit. Whatever body you’re living in, I will advocate for its care and respect.
Having a body should be a morally-neutral experience.
Here’s how we can work toward that together…
Strength Training 101
New to fitness? Feel awkward in a traditional gym? I wrote a 5-month fitness program for ya!
Hire me to lead a movement break or workshop at your next conference!
I love celebrating bodies by doing figure drawing! Check out some of my work!
At the heart of trauma-informed coaching is holding space for clients to reconnect with their bodies and giving them agency over their experience. One way we shape this experience is through communication, specifically cuing. We could spend months exploring all of the nuances of trauma-informed communication, so I'll zoom out instead. There are four foundational beliefs inform the way I cue my clients:
Every single thing clients say about their body is true
Fitness is morally neutral
I'm more interested in success than dysfunction
Consent is an ongoing and essential conversation