Book Openers

We've all felt it at some point...when your neck, shoulders, and back get stiff and locked down. Book openers unstick the stuck spots. By improving rotation, they increase thoracic mobility, help your diaphragm work more effectively and free up your core muscles. This is a huge win for your posture.

How to do Book Openers:

  1. Start in a fetal position on the side with your knees toward your chest and your arms straight out in front of you.

  2. On an inhale, take your top arm up to the ceiling and back behind you for a twist. Close on your exhale.

  3. Optional: hold open for 3-5 breaths.

‼️ Disclaimer ‼️

This video is for educational purposes only. Here at Ashland Strength Studio, we're a crew of personal trainers, dance teachers, and/or yoga instructors. As such, we do not treat, prescribe, diagnose or do any other doctor-y things. Because physical exercise can be strenuous and subject to the risk of serious injury, we urge you to check with your doctor before using any exercise equipment or participating in any physical activity. You agree that your participation in any physical activities we share in this video or on any other platform is entirely voluntary, and you assume all risks including injury, illness, or death.


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